As I was perusing the Mars Exploration Rover Mission homepage today and viewing some of the recent raw images from the Spirit Rover’s panoramic camera, it occured to me that I might make stereograms from these images. You can actually view these as stereograms right on the rover “Pan Cam” page (if you don’t mind looking out at Mars through a window the size of a postage stamp).
Here is my result:
Click for proper viewing size

If you’re not familiar with how to view a stereogram, basically each eye must focus on a different half of the stereogram, leaving the brain to fuse the two images together into one three dimensional image. Here are some more tips if you can’t seem to find it.
* Make sure it is oriented parallel to your eyes. If you tilt your head sideways at all, the 3 dimensional image (stereogram) will disappear.
* Pretend you are focusing on an object 6-12 inches behind the stereogram.
* Relax your eyes and try to visually “drift” into the stereogram image.
* Try viewing the stereogram from different distances.
* Place the stereogram at the end of your nose, look straight ahead, and slowly move the stereogram away from you.
When you get it you will know, but I’ve created an approximation of what you should see.

You will see 3 equal size images. The outer two images will be in your peripheral vision and blurred… DON’T LOOK AT THEM. Focus on the center image which should be sharp, clear and in 3D!!
There are tons of stereo pairs on the Mars Exploration Rover Mission homepage, try making your own. Personally I’d like to try a few with colorized images.