All posts by Rob

Moon/Venus, Mercury/Jupiter on New Year’s Eve

These pictures were shot about 6:40PM EST. The first is the Venus/Moon conjunction. The second I noticed accidentally and as it turns out is a Mercury/Jupiuter conjunction. Pretty neat.

The seeing was terrible… hazy clouds and high humidity. But what else is new? 😉

Mercury and Jupiter appear to be sitting on the power lines. I was on my way to a NYE get-together or I’d have gone out and reshot.

click for larger

Venus and Jupiter

Mercury and Jupiter

NASA releases report on Columbia’s last minutes

NASA released a report Tuesday on the last minutes of Space Shuttle Columbia citing problems with the crew’s helmets, spacesuits and restraints, which resulted in “lethal trauma” to the seven astronauts aboard. The report also discloses that the astronauts knew for about 40 seconds prior to catastrophic breakup that they did not have control of the vehicle.

Although all seven were wearing their pressure suits, not all helmets, gloves and glare shields were on or in place and clearly in the ultimate course of events would not have played any role increasing chances of survival.

I’ve downloaded the four-part PDF report and mirrored it here.

NASA Columbia Report pt.1
NASA Columbia Report pt.2
NASA Columbia Report pt.3
NASA Columbia Report pt.4