All posts by Rob

My Shots of the New Horizons Launch

These are shots I took of the New Horizons launch from my front yard on the other side of Florida — about 180 miles away from the launch site.

The filenames indicate date and time as YYMMDD_HHMMSS Eastern Standard Time.

Notice shot 060119_140207 also has a highly processed version as well. This was the moment when the vehicle disappeared from my view (OK, the speck I knew to be the vehicle), however image processing brings it out of nowhere! I should have kept shooting a few more seconds in this spot. 🙁

Live and learn.

Good luck and Godspeed!

New Horizons Launch Attempt Today

Greetings and welcome back to the “Big Rocket Show.”

12:54 PM: So far so good.

– Announcing green for all weather constraints.
– Built in 10 minute hold coming up at T-4 minutes.
– Clouds need to thin a little or the launch will be delayed while they switch to a different weather configuration.

1:04 PM: No go due to cloud ceiling limits. Looking for launch at 1:13 PM EST

1:12 PM: Looking for launch at 1:30 PM EST

– Double checking launch path area cleared of all vessels
– Waiting on weather team to make the call

1:23 PM: Looking for launch at 1:40 PM EST

1:35 PM: Set indefinite hold.

I’m seeing even more low level clouds on the webcast here of NASA TV. You guys need a pack of matches or something?!?! You’re killing me! (I jest)

1:39 PM: Load design set 29 from balloon LR6 (updated weather profile).

1:46 PM: Looking for launch at 2:00 PM EST pending resolution of low clouds.

1:50 PM: Go for launch at 2:00 PM EST. Range observers have cleared the weather issues but will continue to monitor the cloud situation in real-time.

1:53 PM: All aspects of the support team have been polled and are go to resume the count T-4.

1:56 PM: The count has resumed. 4 minutes until launch and counting.

2:00 PM: LIFT OFF!

If you missed it Watch the Launch (7.5 MB) recorded from NASA TV as it happened.

You’ll need Apple – QuickTime to view this movie file.
Images and video in this post are screen grabs from NASA TV.

New Horizons Launch Scrubbed Again

NASA has scrubbed Wednesday’s launch attempt of the New Horizons spacecraft due to an unresolved power outage.

A major power outage in Maryland — including the Applied Physics Laboratory where the critcal Mission Operations Center is located — has postponed today’s launch.

The next attempt is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 19 during the window extending from 1:08 PM EST to 3:07 PM EST.

I’ll be up until about 4 AM again tomorrow morning so at least I get to take my nap today! 🙂

New Horizons Mission

Today’s launch was scrubbed. Below is a blow by blow of how things proceeded through the launch window.

• 1:15 PM: T-4 minutes and holding. The launch has been postponed from 1:24 PM EST to 1:45 PM EST.

– Investigating a “fill and drain” valve on the Atlas V which failed earlier during topping off activities but has since return to functioning status.
– Wind levels are in the “red” for launch which is still OK but is prompting further monitoring.

• 1:27 PM: Still in the final built-in hold. Still go for 1:45 PM EST launch.

• 1:35 PM: Waiting for final report on upper level winds to release the hold at T-4.

• 1:39 PM: T-4 minutes and holding. The launch has been postponed from 1:45 PM EST to 2:10 PM EST. Today’s launch window will close at 3:23 PM EST.

• 2:06 PM: T-4 minutes and holding. A tracking station command transmitter (necessary for launch) in Antigua has gone offline. The launch has been postponed from 2:10 PM EST to 2:30 PM EST pending the station coming back online.

• 2:26 PM: The Deep Space Network has reported that is unable to support launch operations at this time.

– The launch has been postponed from 2:30 PM EST to 2:50 PM EST pending the issues with the DSN are resolved.
– Antigua reports that it is fully mission capable and green at this time.

• 2:31 PM: T-4 minutes and holding. DSN is back up and ready to support.

I had hopes of getting to see this launch from my house but after teasing me with broken clouds all morning — and through the initial launch times — it has now completely clouded over a solid gray.

• 2:43 PM: T-4 minutes and holding. The launch has been postponed from 2:50 PM EST to 3:05 PM EST. No further information, although I just overheard them uploading the latest weather data to the vehicle guidance system software.

• 2:50 PM: Today’s launch window closes in 34 minutes.

• 3:00 PM: T-4 minutes and holding. The launch has been postponed from 3:05 PM EST to 3:23 PM EST. NASA wants allow all time possible to understand ground level winds in order to ensure a safe launch.

• 3:15 PM: T-4 minutes and holding. The plan is to release the hold on schedule for launch at 3:23 PM EST while continuing to monitor the wind speeds at the pad. If the wind exceeds 33 knots the launch will be scrubbed for today.

• 3:19 PM: The count has resumed.

• 3:21 PM: NO GO at T-2 minutes 34 seconds for a “red line monitor fault.”

– Winds at the pad are exceeding 33 knots.
– Launch is scrubbed for today.
– The vehicle is currently being “safed” for a 24 hour recycle.
– The clock will be reset to T-4 minutes and holding status.

The launch window for tomorrow opens at 1:16 PM EST closing at 3:15 PM EST.

Images in this post are screen grabs from NASA TV.